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Επιβίβαση στην easyJet και από το smartphone

Μάιος 02, 2013 09:46

Η easyJet χρησιμοποιεί δοκιμαστικά κάρτες επιβίβασης μέσω κινητών τηλεφώνων σε πτήσεις που αναχωρούν από έξι αεροδρόμια - Stansted του Λονδίνου, London Southend, Μάντσεστερ, Εδιμβούργο, Άμστερνταμ και της Νίκαιας.

Οι επιβάτες που ταξιδεύουν από τα παραπάνω αεροδρόμια, θα μπορούν να κάνουν check in σε λιγότερο από 10 δευτερόλεπτα, κατεβάζοντας και αποθηκεύοντας τις κάρτες επιβίβασης σε iPhone και Android κινητά τηλέφωνα.

Funky food from fruit by-products

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:24

Reusing the by-products of fruit and cereal processing could help promote the sustainability of the food industry, as long as its overall environmental fingerprint is clearly evaluated.

The future of transport for the elderly

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:22

When it comes to future mobility for the elderly, their needs are often overlooked. This is compounded by the fact that there are no current studies to address the issue, so improving the situation and looking into changing the future needs to be addressed.

The EU-funded 'Transport needs for an ageing society' (TRACY) project aims to present a complete picture and evaluation of the present situationnational strategies and policies dealing with this issue, while also identifying research gaps and making recommendations for the future.

Early diagnosis of cancer with a simple blood test

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:21

Proteins with sugar linkages are important biomarkers of cancer. Scientists are developing novel technology for rapid and high-throughput (HTP) analysis of clinical blood samples leading to early detection and improved prognosis.


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
