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Science meets policy on climate change

In-depth research on climate change, its impacts and the effectiveness of current policies is helping the EU establish more coherent strategies to safeguard our societies'' well-being.

If the world is to successfully address climate change, it must share knowledge on adapting to the phenomenon through long-term global cooperation. The EU''s European Research Area (ERA) has already embarked on such initiatives under the ERA-NET scheme, which has stepped up joint research initiatives across and beyond Europe. One enterprising initiative currently working in this direction is the EU-funded project CIRCLE-2.

The project is bringing together 34 institutions from 23 countries to fund research and share knowledge on climate change impact assessment and climate adaptation. It is looking at how to link scientific knowledge and policymaking through a common research agenda, joint foresight activities and establishment of a European knowledge base on climate change.

Already, the project team has established a research funding network to answer policy-relevant questions. It facilitated cooperation among relevant funding organisations and programmes, in addition to sharing knowledge and supporting stakeholders in adopting appropriate adaptation strategies and measures.

Such a feat has involved the organisation of several workshops and conferences on climate adaptation and impacts, as well as on science–policy dynamics. The project''s results so far have been disseminated through different online media, including the CIRCLE-2 website, as well as through articles, newsletters and brochures.

Project objectives are now focusing on completing the Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (CCIVA) research agenda, concentrating on key issues such as water availability, food security and healthy seas. In parallel, the project team is examining project funding mechanisms, encouraging transnational cooperation and facilitating knowledge transfer through a European science-and-policy platform for CCIVA research.

Overall, CIRCLE-2 is improving our understanding of the Earth–climate system, as well as key elements related to impacts, vulnerabilities and response measures. It is empowering Europe to better manage the risks and opportunities of climate change, thanks to a comprehensive knowledge base required for effective climate change adaptation strategies. The long-term benefits of such an endeavour will contribute to protecting human welfare, saving human lives, reducing public spending and preserving the environment.

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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
