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Research led by the University of Oviedo describes the nine keys to aging in our organisms

Living longer, and being healthy, only depends on a few genes in some species. This was discovered, working on worms, three decades ago, and that was the beginning of the golden age of research on aging, which has provided lots of interesting results, but has also created some confusion. The prestigious journal Cell will publish next Thursday a thorough review in this regard, in order to "create a useful framework for future works". For the first time, all the molecular indicators of aging in mammals are defined, the nine matters that set the advance of the process. It is also explained which ones we can work on to prolong life; and it refutes some myths, like the thought that antioxidants slow aging.

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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 13:38
