In the framework of the European Year of Citizens 2013, the European Network of Foundations for Social Economy (PEFONDES) has launched its second European Prize "For youth employment in the Social Economy".
The purpose of the prize is to encourage innovative solutions at a Euro-Mediterranean-wide level aimed at combating the problem of youth unemployment.
This year, the 5,000 Prize will reward a young social economy enterprise, set up by young people between 18 and 30 years old, that has created employment for young people in the European Union or in Morocco.
Participation is reserved to social economy enterprises:
- whose head office is based in one of the EU member state or in Morocco;
- which were created between 15 May 2011 and 15 November 2012 by at least two young people;
- which have created jobs for young people.
The application form should be completed in English or French and sent to
Deadline: 15 May 2013
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