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Partner search from France- Creative Europe - Culture Subprogram

Strand/category Cooperative, small-scale project
Deadline October 2016

Cultural operator(s)

Name: ATMEN/Françoise Tartinville
Short description: Contemporary Dance Company
Contact details: Françoise Tartinville (


Field(s): Contemporary Dance, Architecture, Urbanism, Heritage, Social Link

Description - Overprinted: this project brings together dancers, musicians, architects, researchers in the field of holography and the residents of a neighborhood.

Based on contemporary dance, the aim of the project is to bond connections between scientific and artistic disciplines by creating a social link with the inhabitants of a neighborhood throughout an outdoor danced walk.

Looking for Partners

Europe (Spain, Germany, UK, EU east countries, Turkey)
Asia (China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand)

Profile: Specialized in the of fields of arts, architecture, urbanism, heritage and optic technology


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