The DPSP project cluster – an EU-funded group of projects on data protection, security and privacy in the cloud – and in particular the SPECS, COCO Cloud, SERECA, MUSA and CLIPS projects are proud to announce the first workshop of the Project Cluster on Data Protection, Security and Privacy in the Cloud (DPSP Workshop 2016).
The workshop will be held on the 23rd of February 2016 in Napoli, Italy.
The workshop aims to bring together key stakeholders involved in specification, management and enforcement of machine-readable policies or agreements in the cloud. The topics discussed will be all-encompassing from security to data sharing agreement, there are similar needs and challenges, such as legal, contractual or user defined preferences.
The workshop will aim to shed light on dimensions common to these needs and challenges:
- To facilitate the writing, understanding, analysis, management, enforcement and dissolution of agreements or policies; going from high level descriptions (close to natural language) to system enforceable policies and agreements;
- To remove technical impediments to secure cloud computing, and thereby encourage greater uptake of cost-effective and innovative cloud solutions in Europe, by exploiting secure commodity CPU hardware and supporting regulatory-compliant data localisation.
- To promote preventive security approach embedding security mechanisms in applications.
- To evaluate the most appropriate enforcing mechanisms depending on the underlying infrastructure for enforcing policies;
- To promote adoption of cloud in public administrations;
Notable Speakers are from Atos, University of Naples, Tecnalia Research and Innovation Technology Centre, CSA Italy, Cloud for Defence, etc.
Event website:
Venue: Centro Congressi Federico II, via Parthenope 36, Napoli, Italy
For any information, you may contact
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