“Greek-Turkish Youth Symposium (GTYS) on Security” – Call for Greek Participants
Within the framework of the “Greek-Turkish Youth Partnership Initiative”, the Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University, Istanbul and the Navarino Network are organizing a Greek-Turkish Youth Symposium (GTYS) on Security with the co-sponsorship of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division. It is geared towards young Greek and Turkish International Relations professionals to provide a forum for study, dialogue and networking. The project aims to contribute to the establishment of a framework that enhances cooperation and dialogue between Greek and Turkish Youth as a component of the rapprochement process between the two countries by advancing the improvement of relations, their further understanding, and the building of trust between the two countries.
The Greek-Turkish Youth Symposium (GTYS) on Security will be organized with the participation of 15 Turkish and 15 Greek International Relations specialists (MA Students, PhD Candidates, young PhD scholars and professionals), aged 22-35 years old, on 8-13 December 2015 in Thessaloniki.
Further information: navarinonetwork.org