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The Intercultural Innovation Award

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 30 Σεπτέμβριος, 2015

The Intercultural Innovation Award

Deadline: 30 September 2015
Open to: non-for-profit organization from around the world
Prizes: monetary prizes up to USD 40 000


The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group have engaged in a historic partnership geared towards creating a new model for collaboration between the private sector and the UN system. Together, they have established the BMW Group Award for Intercultural Innovation, in support of the Alliance of Civilizations, under the auspices of the United Nations (otherwise known as The Intercultural Innovation Award), whose mandate is to select highly innovative grassroots projects that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding, making vital contributions to prosperity and peace. With the objective of “helping people to help themselves,” both UNAOC and BMW Group mobilize their resources, time and networks to support the awardees. This new model of collaboration between the UN and the private sector creates deeper impact, as both partners provide their respective expertise to ensure the sustainable growth of each project.


Projects implemented by non-for-profit organization such as a non-governmental organization, charitable organization, research and educational institution, labor union, indigenous group, faith-based organization, professional association, foundation and local or municipal branches of government;
Applying organizations must have been operational for a minimum of 2 years before May 2015; with funding base and project implementation (i.e. the organization must show registration as non-profit in their country of operation by May 2013 or earlier);
Applying organization’s field of action must fall within at least one of the following thematic clusters: migration and integration; intercultural awareness; education for intercultural citizenship; or be an organization addressing the needs of specific groups in promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding (e.g. faith-based, youth, women, media, etc.);
The applying organization must have the willingness to expand the range of action of the project with the UNAOC, the BMW Group and other partners;
Organizations that have previously received any UNAOC support are not eligible to apply to the Intercultural Innovation Award;
Projects that have been submitted to previous editions of the Intercultural Innovation Award and were not selected, are eligible and encouraged to apply again. However, applying organizations cannot have been winners of previous editions of the UNAOC Marketplace of Ideas or BMW Group Awards.


Awardees will receive a monetary prize to be used for project expansion and/or replication of their project. The total amount of the prize pool is USD 100,500 distributed as follow:

1. USD 40,000;
2. USD 20,000;
3. USD 15,000;
4. USD 8,000;
5. USD 5,000;
6. USD 2,500.

How to apply?

To apply for the Intercultural Innovation Award, you must have a user account. Then fill out the online application form.

For more information, please check the official web-page.

Related link:


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