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Mentor's Mix: Trends, Tools and Practices to improve mentoring for early-­stage teams

Mentoring plays a vital role in growing young companies, whether Scaleable Startups or SMEs. The mentoring relationship can be greatly enhanced by understanding – from a practical perspective – the early steps of new ventures, and the current and future climates they must operate in.

This interactive workshop will provide an in-depth look at issues faced by startups and SMEs, and thus equip Mentors with the perspective necessary to assist entrepreneurs, teams and founders.

Participants will leave with practical knowledge and tools in the following areas:
• Technology trends and foreseeable directions in global business
• Finance mechanisms and funding issues for various forms of ventures
• Tools to aid the Mentoring process
• The basics of lean startup methodology
• Challenges faced by founders and partners
• 4 hours applied mentoring with startup entrepreneurs

Individuals: €50 per person
Institutions: €250 up to 2 persons (inclusive VAT)
Includes Materials and Certification of Participation

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες, η ατζέντα και η φόρμα εγγραφής στα επισυναπτόμενα έντυπα.


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