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Social Innovation MOOC at iversity Platform

Deadline: ongoing
Open to: people worldwide interested in understanding and/or designing societal change
Venue: online


Social Innovations change the rules by which people live together. Learn what social innovations are and how they can be developed. Because the way we live, work and do business could actually be quite different!

Social innovations, i.e. new social practices, are everywhere and largely influence our lives: they change the rules of the game in business, civil society and politics. With social innovations we can design social practices that are more beneficial, sustainable or just. But what are social innovations? And what effects can they have? This course is an introduction to the topic. You will gain an overview of what social innovations are, how they function and how they can be developed.

What will you learn?

You will learn what social innovations are and understand how they can help solve societal problems. You will get an overview of important literature and debates on social innovation. You will get to know and apply methods to develop, implement, and scale social innovations. Exercises will allow you to apply the methods, develop own ideas and gather first-hand experiences.


This is an introductory course. Previous knowledge is not required. The course is designed for people interested in understanding and/or designing societal change.

How to Apply?

The course starts on 4 November, 2014. Dr. Susan Müller, Nicholas Wenzel and Christine Rimke comprise the group of course instructors. The workload for the course is approximately 4 hours per week for watching video lectures, taking quizzes and completing homework assignments.

Enroll for FREE for the Social Innovation MOOC at the iversity platform HERE.

Read more:

Είδος Προγράμματος Διά Βίου Μάθησης: 
Οικονομικό Καθεστώς Προγράμματος Διά Βίου Μάθησης: 


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