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High-tech and low-cost solutions to handle urban waste

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:33

Innovations in waste management systems need new regulations for the management of sustainable landfills

Low-cost interventions, big data analysis and new regulations on landfills are key factors for the smart management of waste in cities. There are several ongoing studies and trials underway across Europe, with both researchers and city planners looking for efficient solutions.

Gene expression indicates plants are adapting to increased CO2 levels

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:31

Research partly supported through the EU-funded EXPEER project has found that plants are increasingly adapting to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which could have important implications for global food security and nature conservation.

The research from the University of Southampton, UK, published recently in the journal ‘Global Change Biology’, shows that as plants are exposed to elevated CO2 emissions, gene expression is altered, indicating that changes in gene regulation could be a prominent mechanism underpinning adaption to elevated CO2.

Banking on innovative IT tools to help data centres save energy

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:29

Businesses looking to cut costs and reduce their carbon footprint now have access to a new tool that evaluates the energy performance of data centres.

The ever-increasing popularity of the internet, cloud computing and high-powered computing have created new and exciting ways of working, communicating and storing information. However, new data centres are urgently needed just to keep pace with this exponential growth of online traffic.

High-tech security screening trialled for the first time at Shannon Airport

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:28

The EU-funded XP-DITE project is trialling the world’s first security system that could halve security time at airports by combining EU and US checkpoints into a single checkpoint.

The five-year project, which is due to end in July 2017, aims to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive, passenger-centred, outcome-focused, system-level approach to the design and evaluation of airport security checkpoints. This would improve passenger experience, as well as ensure the maintenance of a robust security performance.


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