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Is your home healthy? Ask the DNA

Απρ 14, 2017 10:31

Genetic investigations are the latest tool for busting unsafe microorganisms and improving air quality in buildings.

Usually associated with humid and sordid slums, mould is a frequent finding in wealthy homes too. Even the fanciest buildings may harbour hot spots where fungi and other microorganisms subtly proliferate, triggering problems that range from unpleasant smells to severe sickness.

BADGER: Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμου ρομπότ για αυτόνομη λειτουργία, χαρτογράφηση και πλοήγηση σε εφαρμογές υπόγειων εκσκαφών

Απρ 14, 2017 10:30

Το έργο BADGER (RoBot for Autonomous UnDerGround Trenchless OpERations, Mapping and Navigation), μια νέα τριετής δράση έρευνας και καινοτομίας χρηματοδοτούμενη από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με προϋπολογισμό ύψους 3.7 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ, ξεκίνησε τον Ιανουάριο του 2017 με στόχο την ανάπτυξη ενός καινοτόμου ρομπότ για εφαρμογές υπόγειων εκσκαφών.

Towards the better forecasting of destructive dust storms

Απρ 14, 2017 10:28

Researchers examining the causes of the record dust storm that affected the Middle East and Cypus in 2015, identified erosion as one key factor, a problem that the war in Syria and Iraq is making more acute. However, although record-breaking, the storm was not forecast – such events remain hard to predict.

The graphene revolution – changing the face of industry

Απρ 14, 2017 10:27

Thinner, faster, stronger, more flexible – graphene has the potential to bring a new dimension to technologies in fields as varied as fashion, medicine and transport. EU funding is making sure Europe stays at the heart of the new developments.

Over ten years the Graphene Flagship will be funded by the European Commission, member states and associated countries to the tune of a billion euros making Europe a key player in the development of a new generation of materials, components and systems.


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