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Small wind turbines: the art of disguise

Μάιος 12, 2017 10:21

Small wind turbines may be a lot smaller than their towering relations, but their visual impact in an urban area can still be a source of concerns. It’s up to developers to find smart ideas and designs to integrate them into communities – and to convince locals that they’re the way forward

Εύκαμπτα, βιοδιασπώμενα ηλεκτρονικά υπόσχονται επιστήμονες του Stanford

Μάιος 12, 2017 10:19

Έναν εύκαμπτο σαν το δέρμα και εύκολα διασπώμενο ημιαγωγό αναπτύσσουν επιστήμονες του Stanford στις ΗΠΑ, σε μια τεχνολογική εξέλιξη που θα μπορούσε να έχει μεγάλη σημασία για την ιατρική τεχνολογία, αλλά και τον τομέα της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, δίνοντας τέλος στο φαινόμενο της συσσώρευσης μεγάλων όγκων ηλεκτρονικών αποβλήτων.

Vulnerabilities of Europe’s economy to global water scarcity and drought

Μάιος 05, 2017 10:08

A new report by Water Footprint Network on the impacts that increasing water scarcity and drought may have on the European Union’s (EU) economy was launched at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU).

The study, ‘Dependencies of Europe’s economy on other parts of the world in terms of water resources’, was carried out as part of the H2020 IMPREX project. It finds that around 38% of the EU’s water demand lies outside its borders because many of the goods consumed by its citizens or used by its businesses are produced abroad.

Sensor-based analytics to grow physical retail business

Μάιος 05, 2017 10:07

e-Commerce retailers have been benefitting from insightful analytics for years, whilst their physical counterparts have mostly had to rely on instinct, hunches and trial and error. Sensor technology now allows for these physical retailers to benefit from advanced analytics too — and Irish startup Measurence intends to tap into this huge market potential.


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