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The impact of sunshine on mussel beds

Μάιος 19, 2017 12:25

Identifying the environmental factors driving larval settlement is crucial to understanding the population dynamics of marine invertebrates. EU-funded research feeds into a new study that takes three environmental factors into consideration in an attempt to predict larval presence and intensity.

Piloting the SOLOMO App to perform a psychological intervention against smoking, in the context of SmokeFreeBrain project

Μάιος 19, 2017 12:22

Smoking is an addictive, chronic and relapsing disease. This is the main cause of preventable death in the occidental world and responsible to multiples diseases. However, this is a disease that we can treat and cure. Currently, there are some tools available to help smokers to stop smoking e.g psychological therapy and new methods like the use of mobile Apps. Virgen del Rocío University Hospital takes part SmokeFreeBrain which aims to develop an intervention based on the use of mobile Apps.

Potential new route for obesity treatment

Μάιος 19, 2017 12:21

How the body regulates its heat is the subject of intense study as it is an area of interest in research into diabetes and obesity treatment. A new study shows the mechanism may not be as previously thought.

Milestone reached in geothermal deep drilling project

Μάιος 19, 2017 12:20

The EU-funded DEEPEGS project has managed to drill 4 659 meters into a geothermal field in what is being described as a ‘significant milestone’ for the geothermal industry.


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