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European research project to tackle homelessness underway

Ιουλ 19, 2017 15:10

Approximately 3 million people are now homeless in Europe. A ‘Housing First’ approach instead of looking for homeless people to be ‘housing ready’ ends homelessness and costs less. Researchers at the University of Limerick are playing a key role in a major EU funded programme, 'Homelessness as Unfairness (HOME_ EU) which aims to understand EU citizens’ perceptions of homelessness and find solutions based on the ‘Housing First’ model.

Solar energy: “googling” your roof

Ιουλ 19, 2017 15:08

Internet users can assess the solar potential of their roofs through a platform developed by Google. The online “calculator”, which was only accessible in the US, has now reached Europe, starting in Germany

Despite increasing talk about renewable energy, many people remain far removed from what’s going on. To tackle this, various projects have been developed over the years helping users to better understand and use green energy sources.

European Research Project NOMAD Increases Nuclear Power Plant Safety

Ιουλ 19, 2017 15:07

The recently started European research project NOMAD (“Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants“) aims to develop a nondestructive evaluation system for nuclear power plants with the final goal of responsibly extending their period of operation. The multinational consortium receives funding from the European Commission under the current EURATOM research and training programme 2014-2018.

A richer appreciation of dignity helps in the quest for higher ethical standards

Ιουλ 19, 2017 15:06

A new book written by the project coordinator for the EU-funded TRUST project, along with a former president of Iran, unravels the different meanings of dignity, as part of a wider effort to raise the bar for international research ethics.


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