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Chemical looping combustion for CO2-neutral gas facilities

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:13

A novel gas combustion method removing the need for expensive gas separation has been successfully scaled-up. The novel method has gas-to-steam efficiency penalties much lower than alternative CO2 capture technologies, as well as a CO2 avoidance cost reduced by 60 % compared to amine scrubbing. The consortium is already looking to extend it to biomass combustion.

Although cleaner than crude oil or coal combustion, current methods for combusting natural gas still generate CO2 as part of a flue gas mixture including nitrogen, water vapour and other substances.

Off-the-shelf T cell therapies for multiple myeloma

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:12

Although a source of much hope among ‘multiple myeloma’ (MM) patients, adoptive T cell therapies are still held back by expensive, lengthy, individual-tailored approaches. However, an EU-funded project is aiming to shake things up with off-the shelf solutions of its own.

Closing the circle of high-sugar diets and depression

Αυγ 10, 2017 09:43

Against a backdrop of increasing concern about both obesity and depressive illness amongst European populations, an EU-funded study contributes pioneering research about the link between high-sugar intake and mood disorders.

Obese people less likely to consider their next meal when considering portion sizes

Αυγ 10, 2017 09:42

Part-supported through the EU-funded NUDGE-IT project, researchers have undertaken a detailed study which shows how obese people are able to crucially discount future meal times.

Choosing what we eat, how much we eat and when we eat comes with many conflicting pressures and consequences. As a result, making healthy decisions is often difficult and obesity continues to be a serious health problem in Europe, with almost 1 adult in 6 in the EU and over 20 % in the UK being classed as obese (Eurostat).


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