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Twin embryos may exchange T-cells through cord blood

Σεπ 08, 2017 10:29

B- and T-cells have a central role in our immune systems. Produced in the spleen and the thymus respectively, receptor proteins on the cells’ surfaces recognise pathogens and respond. The nature of our defences is not completely understood but EU-supported research is helping to unveil some surprises.

H2020 FAR-EDGE Project: Where Factory Automation meets Edge Computing and Blockchain Technology

Σεπ 08, 2017 10:28

At dawn of the Industry4.0 era, edge computing architectures for industrial automation provide compelling advantages for real-time actuation & control, as well as for data analytics close to the field. In this article, we introduce the FAR-EDGE project, a first of a kind research initiave that specifies and implements a novel, standards-based platform for factory automation, which combines the merits of edge computing with the scalability, reliability and security of blockchain technologies.

Using musical cues to learn physical tasks can change brain structure

Σεπ 08, 2017 10:27

A new study shows that using musical cues to learn physical tasks significantly develops an important part of the brain.

Sensors helping farmers to avoid water and nitrogen over-use

Σεπ 08, 2017 10:27

With food security issues becoming ever more pressing, much research is being done to strike the right balance between high yields and low environmental impact. A major EU-funded project has run a successful pilot bringing together data from sensors and satellites to boost yields while accurately identifying levels of fertilisers needed.


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