We are delighted to announce the programme details of the upcoming ‘Inclusive researcher development’, a thought-provoking event, taking place on the 31 January in London, which will help you take a coordinated, multi-functional and holistic approach to researcher development across your organisation.
In the morning you will see presentations by Dr Susan Brooks, Deputy Head of the Graduate School (Research Training) at Oxford Brookes University, Laurence Theunis, from Brussels-based Doctorat.be and David Uribe, Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) who will present their unique international perspectives on the development of researchers across an organisation.
The afternoon will include talks on researcher wellbeing by Dr Mark Proctor, Academic Development Officer from University of Sunderland and Dr Katryna Kalawsky, Postgraduate Research Student Development Officer at University of Loughborough.
Later that day there will be a session led by Paul Toombs, training and development consultant, with the opportunity for Q&A on the topic of What is a successfully developed researcher?
The event will culminate in talks by Dr Michael Rayner, Dean of Research at the University of the Highlands & Islands, Dr Mandy Robbins, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Glyndwr University and Dr Rui Pires Martins, Researcher Development Adviser based at Queen Mary University, London who will discuss an integrated approach to researcher development.
BOOK NOW to explore how to reduce duplication of effort, understand the different stakeholders involved and identify effective measures of success to meet the needs of your researchers and the priorities of your organisation.
Further information: Inclusive researcher development