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New photovoltaic production technique reduces cost while boosting stability

Δεκ 22, 2017 08:59

Perovskite solar cells are cheap to produce and simple to manufacture. Improving their efficiency, as one EU-backed project has just done, makes them an ever-more compelling alternative source of energy.

The Esbiho project optimises the logistics in the collection, transport and delivery of raw milk

Δεκ 22, 2017 08:56

To develop and validate pilot-scale solutions designed to optimise the logistics in the collection, transport and delivery at dairies is the aim set by AZTI, Kaiku S. Coop. and Estudios GIS within the framework of the Esbiho Project. The initiative, promoted by the Government of the Basque Autonomous Community within its Rural Development Plan, proposes improvements in the collection system and the development of software adapted to the characteristics of the Basque dairy sector.

New H2020 project EURO SHOCK brings hope to patients suffering from heart attack

Δεκ 22, 2017 08:52

Many have experienced it first hand or lost a loved one because of a heart attack. Cardio-vascular diseases are one of the biggest threats to public health in Europe. Every year, across the European Union, more than 4 million people lose their lives due to heart failure. In response to these hideous statistics, the EU has granted EURO SHOCK € 6.5 million to test a new treatment procedure.

Mobile genetic elements that alter the function of nearby genes are detected

Δεκ 22, 2017 08:51

Raúl Castanera-Andrés, an engineer in the Agri-Food Engineering and Rural Environment Department of the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre, has worked on detecting mobile genetic elements (transposons) in basidiomycete fungi, a type of well-known fungi because they produce edible mushrooms and are active degraders of lignocellulosic waste.


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