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Technology supports diabetic patients and their doctors

Μάιος 22, 2014 09:42

Diabetes affects around 10% of the population; according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The disease places a huge financial burden on healthcare systems, and also leads to early death and poor quality of life. However, patients and healthcare professionals will now be able to partner up and manage the illness in better, more effective ways.

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EU project provides state-of-the-art atmosphere monitoring service

Μάιος 22, 2014 09:40

From air quality to solar radiation, information on our atmosphere is of crucial importance to us all. In order to make the right decisions for our current and future quality of life, European decision makers, businesses and citizens need reliable and up-to-date information on exactly what is going on in our atmosphere now and what to expect in the future.

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WIBRATE: Picking up on bad vibrations

Μάιος 21, 2014 10:05

We’ve all dreaded the moment, as we’re driving along, when the car starts to shake or rumble for no apparent reason. Or wondered nervously at the shuddering of an aeroplane as it takes off or lands. But what causes such vibrations? An EU-funded project to develop sensor systems that collect vibration information is yielding potentially game-changing results.

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EU research to deliver new generation of liver replacements

Μάιος 21, 2014 10:03

The demand for replacement livers has always far outweighed supply, with over 10 000 people waiting for a liver transplant in the EU alone. This supply-demand imbalance means that 14 % of patients requiring a liver transplant sadly will not receive a replacement organ.

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