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Laser welding as an engine of innovation

Απρ 30, 2013 09:38

Lasers have long been able to do what traditional welding guns can. Nevertheless, many manufacturers did not dare employ the delicate technology in the raw environment of their assembly floors. At LASER 2013 (Hall C2, Booth 330), researchers will be demonstrating that lasers are robust enough to take over welding duties in fabrication.

BIOMARGIN – Increasing the life span of grafted kidneys

Απρ 30, 2013 09:36

The BIOMARGIN research project, coordinated by INSERM, has just received financing from European Commission to the tune of 6 million euros for a four-year period. The aim of the project is to develop more effective, non-invasive methods to prevent and diagnose lesions in transplanted kidneys so as to improve treatment and the long-term survival of the graft.

Harmonising chemicals regulation for consumer safety

Απρ 30, 2013 09:35

Thousands of chemicals are on the worldwide market without appropriate classification. An ambitious partnership of American, Asian and European experts is establishing the global foundations for risk-based management.

Upgrading agricultural research to save energy

Απρ 30, 2013 09:29

Researchers are looking into ways of promoting energy efficiency on European farms. The potential for energy saving is estimated to be at least 10 %.

Energy consumption in agriculture is considerable, especially when indirect energy use is taken into consideration, such as that used to manufacture fertilisers and pesticides. Continual progress in areas of agricultural production offers ample opportunities for achieving energy savings. Nevertheless, energy efficiency in agriculture has to date received little attention in Europe.


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
