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Reliable IT systems boost nuclear power engineering

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:19

Researchers from China and the EU are developing means of verifying safety-critical software for use in the nuclear power industry.

Instrumentation and control (I&C) systems are the central nervous system of a nuclear power plant. They monitor all aspects of the plant's operation and respond with the care and adjustments needed. New digital I&C platforms – software-based systems – are replacing traditional analogue systems.

Cleaning up Europe's former industrial zones

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:18

Industrialisation in Europe during the last three centuries has left much pollution in its wake. Now, a new cost-effective method of removing pollutants from the ground in related areas could help rehabilitate former industrial regions.

Innovation driven by new web tools for European SMEs

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:16

Science has significantly advanced tools for improving the environmental performance of products. One of the most innovative tools is the life-cycle assessment (LCA), but many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) remain reluctant to use them.

Modelling the effects of planetary climate control

Μάιος 01, 2013 18:13

Geo-engineering offers futuristic solutions to global warming, but these technologies are untested. An EU-funded project set out to model the effects, both positive and negative, of such climate-control strategies.


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
