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A deeper look at EU coral population research

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:15

A deeper look at EU coral population research

The EU has funded research into how post-settlement events influence adult coral populations. This knowledge will be used to promote the efficient management of coral populations.

Healthier seas for a healthier economy

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:13

Marine life is vital to European society and its economy. Scientists are studying outbreaks of marine species and their relationship to human activity to develop sustainable and profitable use of the seas.

Environmental and human-induced stresses have an impact on marine ecosystem goods and services. Understanding the relationships between changes in the distribution of marine fish populations and activities in sectors like transport, fisheries, renewable energy, tourism and commerce is critical to policy formation.

Developing a clearer understanding of ocean ecosystems

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:11

he EU-funded HERMIONE project ('Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European Seas') has contributed much needed data on the complexity of deep-sea ecosystems. This in turn has created a community of scientists who continue to work together to better understand the remarkable world of the deep sea and its vast diversity of habitat and life.

What contributes to improving a child's educational success?

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:10

A study of schools across Europe has identified educational initiatives which can improve school success.


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