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Bioelectronic devices for biomedical applications

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:19

The integration of nanostructures and enzymes into three-dimensional (3D) catalytically active and electrically conducting nanobiostructures could find biomedical and diagnostic applications.

Bioelectronic devices have huge scientific and practical importance for basic science as well as for possible applications in medicine, the high-tech industry, the military, etc. The integration of biomaterials with electronic elements, such as electrodes, chips and transistors, yields hybrid systems that may function as biofuel cells, biosensors, and biocomputing devices.

Plant power in the bioactive compounds arena

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:18

Plants provide a massive pool of compounds that form the basis of many therapeutic drugs. An EU-funded project scoured the tissues of two wild flowering plants for terpenoids, an astonishingly diverse group of molecules, some of which show promise in the treatment of cancer and central nervous system disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Yes to more women in engineering

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:17

Balancing the number of men and women in different engineering fields is set to benefit the knowledge economy and encourage innovation. A recent study has revealed how this could be achieved.

New job opportunities for rural areas

Μάιος 08, 2013 19:16

Cutting-edge research on how to improve rural competitiveness across Europe promises to bring forth exciting new employment opportunities for citizens in outlying communities.


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
