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Γκάζια στην καινοτομία με ελληνικό μοντέλο σχεδιασμού αυτοκινήτων

Μάιος 14, 2013 09:21

Το στοιχείο αναρτήσεως και η τεχνολογία του παραμετρικού σασί, ιδέα του Μηχανολογου Μηχανικού δρ. Δ.Χατζηκακίδη μειώνουν τον χρόνο και το κόστος κατασκευής οχημάτων με εγγυημένη ασφάλεια.


Better enzymes for alternative energy sources

Μάιος 13, 2013 17:46

Lignocellulose is a plentiful waste product and its use in biofuel production does not interfere with the animal or human food chain. Current research is finding out the best enzymes to make bioethanol production as efficient as possible and elucidating the mechanisms behind the enzymatic hydrolysis.

Moving to save children's lives on the road

Μάιος 13, 2013 17:43

A study of road accidents involving children and of child restraint systems (CRSs) in road vehicles has helped produce better tools and test dummies to improve safety technology. This is expected to save many young lives and decrease injuries.

Breaking through the blood-brain barrier

Μάιος 13, 2013 17:33

To mark the European Month of the Brain, we look at one EU-funded project that has focussed efforts on drug delivery across the so-called blood-brain barrier.

The blood-brain barrier (BBB), while preforming a key protective function, is now recognised as the major obstacle in the treatment of most neurological disorders. It hinders the delivery of many potentially important therapeutic and diagnostic substances to the central nervous system (CNS).


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
