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New roadmap for food and health research

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:49

A series of EU country reports and recommendations on diet, health and nutrition will help steer future research so as to address the knowledge gap in Europe on how to influence unhealthy eating.

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New media clusters in the making

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:48

An in-depth analysis of what makes technology clusters successful will help ensure that Europe's regions develop powerful media and information and communications technology (ICT) clusters to raise competitiveness and stoke the economy.

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New stakeholder platform advances animal welfare

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:46

By bringing together many different actors involved in the animal production sector and outlining solutions to animal welfare concerns, the work of the platform helps consumers to gain more confidence in animal products. This will make the industry more competitive and more ethical at the same time.

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Eradicating malaria risk during pregnancy

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:44

An EU-funded project has successfully highlighted the full burden of malaria infection in pregnant women and its impact on maternal and foetal health. This is the first step towards developing improved preventive measures.

Further information:


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