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Computer-aided engineering to speed up automotive design

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:18

Vehicle manufacturing is a highly complex and interdisciplinary process that necessitates a carefully integrated chain and a network of computational approaches. In this light, European researchers, in conjunction with leading car manufacturers, developed a new gradient-based design methodology using computational fluid dynamics for engineering car parts.

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Faith-based organisations prevent social exclusion

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:15

Faith-based organisations (FBOs) function as welfare providers in many European countries. The goal of the FACIT project was to evaluate the role of FBOs in combating poverty and promoting social cohesion in major European cities.

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Anchor firms help regional development

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:13

An in-depth look at policies governing the impact of well connected pioneering firms in different regions will help improve policymaking to boost growth and development.

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A beam of particles in the fight against cancer

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:12

Hadron therapy employs a particle beam to irradiate cancerous tissue without disturbing normal surrounding tissues, unlike certain other methods of cancer treatment. This makes it an attractive option for patients and doctors alike, so a coordinated effort is needed to improve on the technology.

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