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Prefab houses that are glued, not nailed, together

Ιουλ 02, 2013 10:02

A finished house stands on what just a few days ago was an empty green field. Such a feat is possible thanks to components that are industrially prefabricated in a manufacturing plant for finished parts and then simply need to be assembled on the building site – “prefabricated houses” in other words. The individual wall, ceiling, and roof components are usually made of wood. First, the manufacturers make a frame structure out of squared timber in the plant, onto which they then fit boards made of timber derived materials. Nails and staples hold the structure securely together.

Building more sustainable aircrafts

Ιουλ 02, 2013 10:01

The European aviation industry has set ambitious environmental protection goals for itself: by the year 2020, it not only wants to reduce emissions of gases harmful to the climate – carbon dioxide by 50 percent and nitrogen oxide by 80 percent – but it also wants to improve the life cycles of the aircrafts themselves. “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)” is the term experts use to describe the systematic assessment of the adverse environmental impact of aircraft components in use.

Sorting plastic waste: a magnetic game

Ιουλ 02, 2013 10:00

More than one third of the total plastic production in Europe—about 14 million tonnes per year—are polyolefins, also known as polyalkenes. This is a family of polymers used for the manufacture of a variety of products, mainly bottles for water and soft drinks, and food packaging. The problem with polyolefins is that the material is not biodegradable, and can only be recycled into new plastics product when the waste is available in pure form.

Intelligent and efficient management system for water resources in urban areas

Ιουλ 02, 2013 09:57

The FP7 EU UrbanWater project will develop and demonstrate an innovative ICT-based platform for efficient and integrated management of urban water resources.

Further information:


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