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Clinical trials in progress targeting endogenous stem cells

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:36

Paris (France), June 2013 – The EndoStem consortium (, a large scale scientific collaboration coordinated by Dr David Sassoon (UPMC/Inserm, Paris, France), and co-financed by the European Commission via the 7th Framework Programme, has generated a number of advances, with an exciting year of clinical trials for treating muscular dystrophies by targeting endogenous stem cells.

Further information:

Empowering children in clinical trials

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:35

There is evidence that over 50 percent of medicinal products developed for children have not been tested or authorised for use by this age group. The research project RESPECT ('Relating Expectations and Needs to Participation and Empowerment of Children in Clinical Trials') has sought to change this.

Further information:

Finding and treating the cause of inherited blindness

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:34

European scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of inherited retinal diseases.

A guide to facilitate the study of the potential environmental impacts of Offshore Renewable Energies

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:33

This is a publication that aims to present in a synthetic and easily understandable way the existing knowledge about the potential environmental impacts of marine renewable energy projects and to point to the methodological means for studying them, so that future projects of this nature can be sustainably managed from an environmental perspective.

Further information:


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