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Identifying the drivers of breast cancer

Ιουλ 03, 2013 10:15

Information on what causes breast cancer is sorely lacking, making early detection crucial. The sooner breast cancer is found, the greater the chance of treatment and cure.

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Poor eyesight can be rectified through nutrition, say leading eye experts

Ιουλ 03, 2013 10:14

Blindness in the developed world is most commonly caused by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Over 15 million Europeans are affected by this condition, a figure that is expected to double over the next decade. But the latest research has proven that certain nutrients can prevent this from happening, dispelling the idea that as we age, our eyesight subsequently deteriorates.

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Technology for the next generation

Ιουλ 03, 2013 10:13

Luminescent materials are increasingly starring in many aspects of our daily lives. They can be found in traffic lights, computer screens, smartphones and tablets, Euro banknotes, medical devices, and films for X-rays and light sources. In fact, they have become indispensable.

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Better care for the end of life

Ιουλ 03, 2013 10:11

People who are affected by advanced cancer can benefit from new end-of-life healthcare approaches that will bring much appreciated comfort in the final months or years of life.

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