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Nano sensors detect dangerous chemicals

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:19

Workplace safety and environmental protection are getting a boost from novel sensor technology being developed by EU-funded scientists. Increasing the sensitivity of a low cost, portable device will enable the detection of trace concentrations of dangerous chemicals.

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Robotic fingers and tissue-engineered touch sensors

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:17

EU-funded scientists are studying the biological basis of touch perception and the sensation of pleasure. Novel biosensors with tactile and emotional resolving power comparable to that of humans are the goal.

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Agreeing on safe, ethical conduct of nanotech research

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:16

An EU-funded consortium is developing a framework of compliance with the European Commission''s Code of Conduct (CoC) for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies (N&N) research. Input from relevant international stakeholders should support its application.

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Producing valuable ceramics from used tyres

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:13

Your old tyres may soon provide the materials for your new kitchen tiles. EU funded scientists are modifying recycling methods to yield high utility materials and make it sustainable.

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