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04/10/2017 - Workshop: Consortium Agreements for Horizon 2020 (UK)

Αυγ 24, 2017 20:17

Workshop Date: 4th October 2017
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organiser: Singleimage Limited

This workshop will explain the main features and options for consortium agreements for collaborative projects in Horizon 2020 (H2020). It will compare the DESCA, Digital Europe and EUCAR model consortium agreements and will cover the major terms of the EC grant agreement, which provides the context.

Further details:

07/12/2017 - How to produce a winning proposal in Horizon 2020 (Hamburg, Germany)

Αυγ 23, 2017 20:14

07/12/2017 09:00 - 16:30
How to produce a winning proposal in Horizon 2020
Innovation & Startup
Campus at Startup Dock
Harburger Schloßstr. 6-12
21079 Hamburg

Further details:

21/11/2017 - Management of Collaborative Research Projects (Hamburg, Germany)

Αυγ 23, 2017 20:09

21/11/2017 09:00 - 16:30
Management of Collaborative Research Projects
Innovation & Startup
Campus at Startup Dock
Harburger Schlossstraße 6-12
21079 Hamburg

Further details:

Finance in Horizon 2020 - 2 day Workshop

Αυγ 23, 2017 08:48

Workshop Date: 27-28 September 2017
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organiser: Singleimage Limited
The Workshop

Horizon 2020 – the EU’s research and innovation funding programme – has been running for over three years and projects are now beginning to submit their first financial reports. This finance workshop provides detailed explanation of the funding rules for the programme, from budgets to eligible costs and on to cash flow.


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