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Ιδιωτικοί Φορείς

EU-Japan Training programmes

Σεπ 14, 2014 11:40

The European Commission is encouraging European enterprises to penetrate the Japanese market. To this end it has put in place various promotional activities to further European exports to Japan and to maximise business opportunities there.

Call for Proposals: Funding For Complaints Data Transfer

Σεπ 08, 2014 13:01

The Consumer Programme foresees the financing of four objectives.

Pericles – Exchanges, assistance & training

Σεπ 08, 2014 12:37

The Pericles Programme funds exchanges, assistances and training for authorities, banks and others involved in combating euro-counterfeiting – both in the eurozone and in EU countries outside the eurozone.

The aim is better protection for euro banknotes and coins in Europe and worldwide – by ensuring anti-counterfeiting measures throughout the EU have equivalent effect while respecting distinct national traditions and by improving cooperation between authorities.

Deadline for submission of applications: 29 September 2014

Call for proposals Fostering European integration through culture by providing new subtitled versions of selected TV programmes across all Europe (EAC/S16/2014)

Σεπ 07, 2014 20:58

The objective of this call for proposals is to try out innovative strategies for the provision of subtitled versions of European cultural programming to facilitate cross-border online dissemination of cultural content.

Specifically, the expected outcome of this pilot is the provision of a minimum of 600 hours of diverse, European-subtitled factual audiovisual content, online, in several territories, as well as assessing the subsequent impact of this content.


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