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Investment in Research and Innovation: A Priority for the Greece EU Council Presidency

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:14

Brussels, December 4, 2013: A breakfast briefing entitled “Greece EU Council Presidency: Science Priorities” hosted by Mr Ioannis Tsoukalas MEP in association with ISC took place today at the European Parliament in Brussels.

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Textile materials protecting against ticks and bedbugs

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:13

Tecnalia participates with nine more partners in BETITEX project to obtain textile materials protecting against ticks and bedbugs.

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High-tech athletic shoe for pure running pleasure

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:11

Jogging keeps you fit and is healthy. However, athletes that start training can overdo it and easily pull and tear ligaments. A new high-tech running shoe will evaluate running form in real time and thereby counter these injuries in future.

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On the trail of prostate cancer

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:10

New biomarkers will improve diagnostics of endemic diseases in future, such as prostate cancer. Their mission: to recognize the tumor earlier and classify it more precisely – thereby helping avoid unnecessary operations.

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