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Nurturing knowledge in biomolecular electronics

Δεκ 17, 2013 10:31

An EU-backed exchange programme is building future capacity in the field of biomolecular electronics through collaboration and training.

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A real global look at economic inputs and outputs

Δεκ 17, 2013 10:30

The creation of a new global economic input–output database can help Europe manage trade, environmental strain, outsourcing and even labour policies.

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Facilitating diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

Δεκ 17, 2013 10:29

The vital early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases requires combining the results of neuroimaging investigations with other genetic and cognitive evaluations. A prototype system integrates content and context to provide a powerful search tool for medical professionals in this area.

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Contribution to mitigate the threat of public water contamination

Δεκ 17, 2013 10:28

Drinking water infrastructures are vulnerable to deliberate contamination, which can have far-reaching consequences for public health and the economy. A European project developed a comprehensive approach to rehabilitate a drinking water system after a deliberate contamination.

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