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Understanding leads to optimisation

Δεκ 20, 2013 10:25

EU-funded scientists made detailed characterisations of ion mobility and conductivity in promising fuel cell materials. The optimisation of these properties should enhance the widespread uptake of emissions-free fuel cell technology.

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Economically priced technology for the greenhouse

Δεκ 20, 2013 10:24

AN EU-funded project is currently looking at using affordable low-quality irrigation water and carbon dioxide (CO2) injection to increase net greenhouse horticulture production.

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Then and now: Using trees to map climate change

Δεκ 20, 2013 10:23

Studying various tree features can provide information on how trees react to climate change and climate conditions in general. A recent project has investigated these features in Russian forests to better understand warming and cooling cycles in the northern hemisphere.

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Making mathematical sense out of chaotic situations

Δεκ 20, 2013 10:22

An EU-funded project has carried out theoretical research on the mathematical viewpoint of chaos. Theoretical insights from mathematics can help research in the physical and biological sciences.

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