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Synergising eco-friendly pesticides

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:50

Biocides are chemicals commonly used in pesticides and wood protectors to protect against flies, cockroaches, termites, wood-rotting fungi and other pests. Globally, there are increasing concerns about the toxicity of conventionally used biocides and their effect on the environment and human health.

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Bountiful energy supply from the sea

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:49

Scientists are jumpstarting the exploitation of renewable energy from winds, waves and tides with development of project assessment tools and standardisation recommendations.

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Electro-optical technology enhances the global EU position

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:47

Germanium is a semiconductor material with electrical and optical properties in some ways advantageous to conventional silicon (Si). Scientists exploited silicon–germanium (SiGe) alloys to produce novel photodetectors and other electro-optical devices.

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New windows on allergy development

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:46

Preventive strategies for allergies such as asthma and rhinitis are inadequate in the face of the current epidemic. European immunologists are investigating the mechanisms that lead to the development of allergy in early childhood.

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