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Lab-on-a-chip system for Lyme disease diagnosis

Ιαν 07, 2014 12:22

Lyme disease (LD) is the most common tick-borne infection in Europe with over 85 000 new cases annually. Treatment is often delayed or inadequate due to misdiagnosis, resulting in painful and disabling symptoms.

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Safe storage underground for greenhouse gas

Ιαν 07, 2014 12:20

An EU-funded initiative is investigating the safe and permanent storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in basalt rocks. The aim of carbon sequestration is to mitigate climate change by preventing the release of large quantities of the greenhouse gas (GHG) into the Earth's atmosphere.

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Space weather warning system

Ιαν 07, 2014 12:19

Orbiting satellites and electrical grids on Earth are vulnerable to space weather in the form of high-energy particles coming from the Sun. An EU-funded initiative is developing an alert system to forecast these geomagnetic storms.

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A little bit of boron takes scientists a long way

Ιαν 07, 2014 12:18

EU-funded scientists dramatically increased the building blocks available to synthetic chemists. The result is novel fluorescent compounds for biological sensors and a thermometer.

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