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Managing nitrogen intake and output in a dairy herd

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:48

An expansion in dairy farming has produced a nitrogen (N) cycle imbalance threatening local environments. EU-funded scientists are developing a cow digestion simulator to effectively manage nitrogen excretion.

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Smart, safe batteries for fully electric vehicles

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:47

Thanks to an EU-funded initiative, safe and economic fully electric vehicles (EVs) that contribute to global emissions reductions are a step nearer to being fully realised.

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Helping space assets survive stormy weather

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:46

EU-funded scientists are collecting data and continuously updating a new model of a poorly understood component of space weather. The model will enable more accurate space weather forecasts to ensure the security of space missions.

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Robots to help maintain offshore infrastructure

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:45

New robotic equipment shows much promise in advancing the maintenance of critical offshore oil infrastructure in Europe and thus enhancing its safety.

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