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Start-up! in Erasmus +

Μαρ 12, 2018 10:48

Training Course

8-13 May 2018 | Mollina, Málaga, Spain
Start-up in E+ is a 6 days long training course aimed to develop entrepreneurial competences of young people by equipping youth workers with a set of competences, tools and resources to promote entrepreneurship in their local communities.

Enhancing initiative and sense of entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal of this training course which aims to equip participants, namely youth workers and youth leaders, with a set of tools to effectively foster entrepreneurship in their local communities.

Enterprise your daily life!

Μαρ 08, 2018 09:22

Training Course

18-23 May 2018 | Cyprus
A training course aiming at strengthening the capacity of youth workers in developing the entrepreneurial potential of young people, as to enable them to adopt a proactive approach in their personal, civic and professional life.

WORKSHOP: Consortium Agreements for Horizon 2020

Μαρ 07, 2018 10:09

Workshop Date: Wednesday 11th April 2018
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organisers: Singleimage Limited
WORKSHOP: Consortium Agreements for Horizon 2020

The Workshop

Horizon 2020 and ERC Project Management and Financial Reporting (Belgium)

Μαρ 06, 2018 09:00

This 3-day course provides the essentials of managing effectively collaborative Horizon 2020 projects and ensuring a smooth implementation of ERC grants. Why participate in the course? Get practical insight into:
- Avoiding financial mismanagement in your Horizon 2020 and ERC projects;
- Drafting a sound consortium agreement and handling IPR issues;
- Putting together strong periodic and final reports;
- Getting prepared for technical reviews and EC audits.
Horizon 2020 and ERC Project Management and Financial Reporting


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