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Technological innovation for dried food

Ιαν 21, 2014 23:09

Dried food offers many benefits in modern food processing, but modern drying methods have certain limitations. The EU funded research to address these problems, which often make it difficult for small manufacturers to survive in the food industry.

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Cooler and greener refrigerated trucks

Ιαν 21, 2014 23:07

A new leak-detection system optimises cooling efficiency in refrigerated trucks. This takes a load off engines, saving fuel and reducing greenhouse gases.

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Developments for abalone farming in Europe

Ιαν 21, 2014 23:06

Abalone or edible sea snails are a culinary delicacy in many parts of the world and their shells are a source of mother of pearl. Overfishing has reduced wild populations so an EU-funded project has worked to develop the sustainable aquaculture of this valued mollusc.

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Sweet dreams for sleepers living near freight trains

Ιαν 21, 2014 23:05

An EU-initiative has developed and assessed measures to ensure acceptable levels of vibration for residents living in the vicinity of freight railway lines in order to facilitate the extension of freight traffic on rail.

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