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Better tools for European forges

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:36

Lower production costs and higher volumes are vital to the European forging industry. An EU-funded project has developed innovative tool coatings to help achieve this.

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Development of an advanced system of fuel cell cogeneration of heat and power (micro-CHP)

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:35

Many times, the electricity generated can be sold to the grid using the natural gas that gets to the houses. Tecnalia is working in a system that consists of two parts: a reactor to produce heat and hydrogen from natural gas, and a fuel cell that converts hydrogen to electricity.

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Constant clean water for fish farms

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:35

Toxic build-up of ammonia and nitrite from the breakdown of faeces and excess food in fish farms can be hazardous to fish. European research has devised novel protocols for the development of treatment biofilters that will avoid loss of substantial income in the sector.

Further information:

A bountiful harvest of renewable energy technologies

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:34

EU-funded scientists developed a novel technology to remotely monitor the integrity of wind turbine blades. In line with the renewable energy focus, the system converts blade vibrations into electricity for autonomous power.

Further information:


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