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The Eco-Innovation initiative rewards ideas for innovative products that protect the environment

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:41

The Eco-innovation initiative bridges the gap between research and the market. It helps good ideas for innovative products, services and processes that protect the environment become fully-fledged commercial prospects, ready for use by business and industry.

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A water heater that gets an 'A' for eco-friendliness

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:39

Regulations concerning the environmental impact of appliances are increasingly stringent and no commercial domestic water heaters were able to meet them. Now, EU-funded scientists have delivered a winner.

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Innovative electrodes monitor Legionella treatment

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:38

Legionella is a dangerous pathogen found in water distribution systems such as those of hospitals, hotels, old people's homes, prisons and ships. Controlling the bacteria is a priority for health authorities around the world and has now become a lot easier thanks to an EU-funded initiative.

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Peptide-based electronics for solar technology

Ιαν 22, 2014 15:37

EU-funded scientists are developing an almost entirely organic modular solar cell. Replacing semiconductor materials with peptides and photosynthetic components promises cost-effective and highly efficient solar technology.

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