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ERC Story - Sponge enzymes: nature’s little bio-builders

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:44

Sponges seem an unlikely source for innovation, yet they may hold the key to new nanotechnologies, innovative optical devices and new ways of regrowing human bone and preventing bone disease. Difficult to believe? Not for Werner E.G. Müller. In the BIOSILICA project, he and his team are developing ways to adapt the complex processes that natural glassy sponges use to build their wondrous biosilica structures for use in biodegradable implants that would facilitate bone healing after surgery or fractures.

ERC Story - A brighter future? Anti-ageing treatment for solar panels

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:42

Solar power is potentially an almost limitless resource. The sun provides enough energy in one minute to supply the world’s energy needs for one year. But turning this resource into affordable electricity is difficult – silicon-based solar cells still suffer from a decline in their effectiveness over time. Through her ERC-funded SOLARX project, Professor Hele Savin, of Aalto University in Finland, is investigating a possible route to solving this problem.

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Feature Stories - A revolutionary portable lab for rapid and low-cost diagnosis

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:41

Do you remember James Bond film Casino Royale? After being poisoned, the agent uses a portable diagnostic kit to identify the toxic substance and alert his HQ in London. Such type of technology is not fiction anymore. European researchers have developed a ground-breaking diagnostic system based on smart cards and skin patches combined with a portable reader. Test results can directly be sent to a remote computer, a tablet or a smartphone through a wireless connection.

ERC Story - Biomass by numbers

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:40

The use of biomass from plants as a renewable energy source is not new. Yet surprisingly, the net economic and environmental benefits of biomass energy exist only on paper. This is about to change thanks to an experimental tree plantation in East Flanders, where Professor Reinhart Ceulemans and his team are working to get the numbers needed for evidence-based decisions for future energy policies.

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