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WORKSHOP: 2 day Finance in Horizon 2020 (Cambridge, UK)

Απρ 20, 2018 09:05

Workshop date: 23 & 24 May 2018
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organisers: Singleimage Limited

The Workshop

Horizon 2020 – the EU’s research and innovation funding programme – provides grants to universities, companies, research organisations and other bodies. This workshop will explain the funding rules for the programme, from budgets to eligible costs and from cash flow to audits. This workshop will help you to be prepared!

C-CASCADES Training Workshop: Entrepreneurial Skills

Απρ 20, 2018 09:03

The main objective of this workshop is to develop the ‘Entrepreneurial Skills’ of young researchers and to prepare them for their future careers.

This Training Workshop is organised in the framework of C-CASCADES - Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene - a European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Curie-funded project.

MIND, BODY & MESSAGE - tools to increase youth worker's impact

Απρ 20, 2018 09:01

MIND, BODY & MESSAGE - tools to increase youth worker's impact

Training Course

13-22 May 2018 | Alsotold, Hungary
MIND is a 10 days training course using the basic synergy method where you will have the possibility to train your awareness skills. Explore more your core values and get aware of your thinking and behavioral patterns.

About the project:

24/04/2018 - Information Day: "Horizon 2020 Programme" (Tunis, Tunisia)

Απρ 20, 2018 08:57

Since its association with the Horizon 2020 Programme (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) in 2016, Tunisia is multiplying its efforts to improve the participation of its institutions in this Programme. To this purpose, a special Programme Management Unit Research and Innovation (PMURI), acting as Directorate-General, was created by decree n. 2016-955 at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR).

As part of its mission, an Information Day covering Horizon 2020 funding opportunities will be held on 24th April 2018. The event will bring together researchers from national leading research centres and practitioners interested in the H2020 open calls and the Work Programme 2018-2020.

The full programme is downloadable here:

Link to subscribe:

The event can be found through this link:

You can also easily contact the PMURI-H2020 via the following communication channels:
• Official Facebook Page | Horizon 2020 Tunisia
• Twitter account | @H2020_Tunisia
• YouTube Channel | Horizon2020 Tunisia
• Phone. +216 71 835 019
• Fax. +216 71 830 985

Related link:


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