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Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing - Focus Impact in Hungary

Ιαν 19, 2019 14:15

18/06/2019-19/06/2019, Hungary

In a winning project, your impact will be visible throughout all parts of the proposal. We give you the knowledge and the tools that will turn your innovative project idea into a competitive Horizon 2020 proposal

Do you have an idea, but never wrote a H2020 project? Did your last project proposal fail? You have more projects, but you are always a partner and you want to coordinate now? This course is for you then.

14-15/02/2019 - ÉPRISE Roadshow (Amsterdam)

Ιαν 18, 2019 08:41

Within the scope of the ÉPRISE Project, the organisers invite you to the International ÉPRISE Roadshow on 14 & 15 February 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

One of the activities of the ÉPRISE-project is organizing European roadshows on Medical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Agriculture and Food with Photonics as key enabling technology. This roadshow focusses on Agriculture & Food. After the USA the Netherlands is worldwide the largest export market not only for agriculture and food products but also for innovative technology in these two application areas, with our Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in the frontline.

Why attending

The roadshow aims on providing SME’s with solutions on how to overcome the market barriers and boost collaboration in Europe via pre-arranged B2B meetings. This is an unique chance to meet other European photonics companies, end users and experts in Agriculture & Food. Take this special opportunity to find new leads for your business.

Related link:
14-15/02/2019 - ÉPRISE Roadshow (Amsterdam)

YSI Innovation Program 2019

Ιαν 17, 2019 09:18

Applications are open for the YSI Innovation Program 2019 in Norway. The aim of the program is for you and your team to create a real startup that helps solve the sustainable development goals and are economically viable. Brilliant individuals are put in international teams of 3 people and will go through 4 modules and 8 objectives in five months. 4,5 months are online and the two last weeks is in Oslo, Norway where you get a fully funded trip to meet mentors, your teammates and investors.

15-17/03/2019 - 2η Ελληνο - Ολλανδική Έκθεση / Φεστιβάλ (Ουτρέχτη, Ολλανδία)

Ιαν 13, 2019 19:59

Την 2η Ελληνο - Ολλανδική Έκθεση / Φεστιβάλ θα επισκεφτούν Ολλανδοί και Έλληνες από το BENELUX (Βέλγιο, Ολλανδία, Λουξεμβούργο, για να δοκιμάσουν νέες γεύσεις και εμπειρίες, υπηρεσίες και προϊόντα από την Ελλάδα, και να περάσουν υπέροχες στιγμές με τις πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις και τα δώρα που τους περιμένουν.
Είναι μια μοναδική ευκαιρία για όσες επιχειρήσεις έχουν σχέση με την Ελλάδα, να διαφημίσουν και να πουλήσουν τα προιόντα τους, σε Ολλανδούς και Έλληνες της Ολλανδίας, και να αναπτύξουν νέες συνεργασίες με άλλες επιχειρήσεις.


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