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02-05/04/2019 - Young Leaders’ Forum 2019 (Hungary)

Ιαν 22, 2019 19:07

The think.BDPST Young Leaders’ Forum features outstanding young professionals (aged 24-38) soon to become important actors and decision-makers in the field of innovation, urban design, transport, automotive industry, informatics, and the connected social sciences and legal studies.

The main purpose of YLF is to foster a lively dialogue among young innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, PhD researchers, policy experts active in public administration, and young professionals working at companies that are investing in innovative projects. During the four-day event, participants have the opportunity to exchange best practices, experience, ideas, and knowledge, and improve their skills through panel discussions and workshops.

Further details::
Young Leaders’ Forum 2019 in Hungary

06-10/03/2019 - Berlin Economic Forum 2019 (Berlin, Germany)

Ιαν 19, 2019 21:06

Berlin Economic Forum 2018
"Sustainable Business & Responsible Investments"
(International Conference, Berlin; March 6th-11th, 2018)
Held Parallel to the Berlin Tourism Fair ITB

Training Course “Funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities projects” in Italy

Ιαν 19, 2019 17:16

28 January 2019 - 29 January 2019, Italy

This course aims at providing tools for finding and successfully participating in calls for proposals in the field of social sciences and humanities. The eligibility criteria of each funding opportunity and the structure of proposal forms will be illustrated; besides, practical advice will be given to elaborate successful proposals. A complete dossier in electronic and paper format will also be provided, with complete details on each funding programme.


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