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Training Course on “The recent regulation on General Data Protection and its implications for the management of projects funded with external funds”

Φεβ 12, 2019 16:47

The course aims at analyzing the main features of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 in the European Union and specific obligations arising therefrom. In particular, the course will focus on the obligations for beneficiaries under programmes funded by the European Union, especially those regarding research and technological development.

Workshop: Finance in Horizon 2020

Φεβ 12, 2019 16:44

Workshop Date: 3rd and 4th April 2019
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organisers: Singleimage Limited

Further details:
Workshop: Finance in Horizon 2020

09-10/05/2019 - Economic Development thinking the Environment (Coimbra, Portugal)

Φεβ 12, 2019 09:34

INFER workshop "Economic Development thinking the Environment”, 9-10 May, 2019, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra.

This INFER workshop, jointly organized with CeBER, Center for Business and Economics Research of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, provides an opportunity for everybody interested in the interconnections between economic growth and environmental economics to exchange ideas, create links in research and to meet fellows in related subject. Researchers are invited to submit both empirical and theoretical papers that are related to the topic of the conference. For example, we will welcome papers related to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:

· Environment and Trade
· Natural resources
· Environmental Regulation
· Recycling
· Circular Economy
· Growth and Climate Change
· International environmental agreements
· Renewable Energy
· Growth and Pollution

The deadline for papers submission: February 28, 2019.

Further details:


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