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26-27/09/2019 - 6th Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (Kauna, Lithuania)

Απρ 04, 2019 20:13

The 6th Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (AIB-CEE) Chapter Annual Conference on „International Business in the Dynamic Environment: Changes in Digitalization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, will take place on September 25-27, 2019 at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. The conference will be hosted by the School of Economics and Business.

Related link:

Seminar: "Digital Youth Work and Innovation" in Poland

Απρ 04, 2019 10:02

Digital Youth Work and Innovation
29-31 May 2019 | Warsaw, Poland

Seminar will be a space for youth workers/youth leaders to discuss about education, innovation and digitalisation of their work and learning processes. It is an official event of Polish Presidency in Berlin Process.
Seminar will gather youth workers/youth leaders from Western Balkan, EU Member States that participate in Berlin Process and from Eastern Partnership countries.

21-25/10/2019 - One Young World Summit 2019 (London, UK)

Απρ 03, 2019 12:02

Deloitte is proud to support the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2019, which will enable 10 outstanding young leaders to attend the One Young World Summit. This scholarship is intended for young leaders focused on improving the education, skills, and access to opportunity for people in their communities, countries, or world at large. The scholarship is seeking candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to:

Improving access to education, skills, or employment opportunities for those that may be left behind by the rapidly changing global economy. For example, to women and girls, disadvantaged youth.
Creating skills development or lifelong learning opportunities for people to prepare for the future workforce, including in areas where there are talent shortages.
Accelerating entrepreneurship, new types of employment, or providing opportunities for people to overcome traditional barriers to employment.

Read more:
21-25/10/2019 - One Young World Summit 2019 (London, UK)

09-10/05/2019 - Fresh ideas to reduce food waste and valorise surplus food (Barcelona, Spain)

Μαρ 28, 2019 08:04

The EU-funded REFRESH project will be organising a conference in Barcelona, Spain, on 9-10 May, 2019.

This final conference of the REFRESH project aims at maximum impact through the use of innovative participatory methods, art and hands-on activities. It is expected that the 2-day event will host around 150 participants, with the main programme to be held on the second day at the Barcelona Design Museum.

On the first day, a selection of field trips and activities featuring food waste innovators from business and civil society in the Barcelona area will be on offer. These cover an interactive dialogue over dinner, a guided walking tour at food hub Mercabarna, and a hands-on workshop focused on “rescued” fruit and vegetables.

Further details:
09-10/05/2019 - Fresh ideas to reduce food waste and valorise surplus food (Barcelona, Spain)


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