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13-17/06/2016 - Workshop: Towards Reality in Modelling of Molecular Electronics (San Sebastian, Spain)

Απρ 21, 2016 09:26

The EU-funded PAMS project is co-organising an international workshop entitled ‘Towards Reality in Modelling of Molecular Electronics’ that will take place in San Sebastian, Spain, from 13 to 17 June 2016.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experienced and young researchers, as well as students, working in the field of the theory of quantum transport and the development of computational tools for transport simulations in the nanoscale.

The workshop aims to cover the following topics:

- Large-scale calculations of quantum transport
- Architectures: towards molecular-scale devices
- Inelastic transport: vibrations and magnetic excitations
- Multi-scale modeling of molecular electronics
- Coupling of transport to light
- Time dependences in molecular-scale transport
- Effect of electron-electron interactions and correlations
- Prediction of complex structures and growth

Further details:
13-17/06/2016 - Workshop: Towards Reality in Modelling of Molecular Electronics (San Sebastian, Spain)

Training Course “Response to the auditing activity of the European Commission in FP7 and in Horizon 2020”

Απρ 19, 2016 10:25

This course will provide participants with the preparation necessary to deal with the control activities carried out by the European Commission and by firms in charge of certification of financial statements, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework and with international auditing procedures.

15-18/06/2016 - MOSAIC project workshop (Varberg, Sweden)

Απρ 18, 2016 10:52

The EU-funded MOSAIC project will be holding a three-day workshop on novel concepts for microwave components in Varberg, Sweden, from 15 to 18 June 2016.

Further information:


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